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Vermillis spontaneus in peaty-bitumen environment
x the Satellite

In the past months we have been researching instances of spontaneous generation, and recently made a unique discovery: an orange coloured vermine derived from cosmic garbage*, a spontaneous miracle thriving in muddy environments. Up until recently, we only used a scraper to collect sap samples, but new bog drillings have revealed the presence of the same sap in unusual shapes. These surface excavations are full of clay concretions that seem to mimic recognizable human artifacts. The deeper we dig, the less we manage to identify the masses generated by the contaminated peat, their shapes remaining surprisingly precise. According to our dating estimates, the shapes discovered precede the invention of the objects they evoke.


While some of us fall in love with this spontaneous vermin, others worry about its bioturbating power. We hypothesize that this intelligent vermin is capable of domesticating humans by suggesting the shapes of the objects they should use. Our quest continues in the hope of solving the mysteries surrounding this vermin and its relation with past, present and future humanity.


*The cosmic garbage hypothesis, developed by the astrophysicist Thomas Gold, claims that terrestrial life could have originated in garbage left on Earth by extraterrestrial life forms.


Vermillis spontaneus en milieu tourbeux-bitumé,

in“Tactiques du rêve augmenté” at La Verrière-Hermès

(curation Guillaume Desanges), 2022.


Listen full track here

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