non-functional exhibition
FROM 25th TO 27th FEBRUARY 2019
In collaboration with Anastasia Simonin.
With the works of Louise Asseray, Quentin Brulé, Christopher Carton, Camille Chappey, Marine Fernandez, Juliette Gauvrit, Benoit Le Boulicault, Eléna Martin, Jordan Marie-Julie, Théo Maucourt, Nais Ornada, Eftihia Peroulas, Lilou Verdier, Antoine Vidal and Yi Wei Wang.
Works made in the context of the "Art & Text" course given by the artist Jacqueline Riva (A Constructed World).
Non-Functional Exhibition is an exhibition motivated by Cesare Pietroiusti's invitation to non-operational action. In a small yellow booklet called Non-Functional Thoughts (1978-2015), he offers us a range of actions to activate. These proposals for action do not respond to any request and do not meet any need, they are part of the banality of our daily life, framed and regulated, which leaves little room for daydreaming and action as an end in itself.
Non-Functional Exhibition does not validate anything. Non-Functional Exhibition exists to celebrate the attention paid to the idle, the uncertain and the troubled. Non-Functional Exhibition, like Pietroiusti's publication, aims to build a context where the elements presented are just as much means of communication as means of socialization.
"Follow the movements made by people doing various activities which involve group participation"
( Non-Functional Thoughts , Cesare Pietroiusti)