hole hole : moilesautresart tunnels you
《 Then they remembered: the secret tunnel in the garden, discovered by a hydraulic excavator. It had quickly been filled to stop the garden from collapsing. The mystery remained: never ending well of Normand fantasies, old stories, secret passages from farm to castle, from castle to iron mine, from iron mine to asshole, from asshole to stargate.
Imaginary underground galleries, unexplored paths. Chasms, empty stomachs hollowed out by 2 million years of emotion, bubbling, puddle of mudd ready to spurt under pressure.
Unfolding of Wikipedia pages, scrolling while holding our breath. Total darkness, a long tunnel going nowhere, somewhere else. 》
Commissioned by the FRAC Corsica.
With the participation of Frédéric Humble, Agathe Woolf
and David Le Simple.
With the support of MUDAM-The Contemporary
Art Museum of Luxembourg.
This podcast is available on the FRAC's website and on our soundcloud.